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Dream chasers,Tale of the braved episode 3(a narration by Azubuike Emmanuel)

  DREAM CHASERS;TALE OF THE                        BRAVED

                  Episode 3

Older episodes you missed

Episode 1

Episode 2

This days,the more you chased the farther it was
from your reach,it seemed as thou the sun was no
longer smiling at you,and the wind has seized
blowing the wind of fortune,but was rather
blowing that of misfortune and Ill luck..those
exhilarating, mind blowing, and breathtaking
dream was beginning to be blurred with a
question mark and not just a question mark but a
big and gigantic one..you look up in the sky but all
you see are stars,you remembered everyone has
his/her own star,destiny they call it,but as you
looked on you discovered some stars were
brighter than the other ,and there and then you
remembered what your fathers mother once told
you"my son,everyone has his/her own star,and
just as the stars has their distinct brightness..with
some shining very bright,some intermediate while
some had a dull brightness,..so does
ours,everyone's star ain't the same...she had said.
Everyone has their own star,and there shine
distinctly ???..you asked yourself thoughtfully
Does that mean my star is among those that
shone dully and not meant to shine brightly, and
I'm forcing it to??..who knows,who knows!,it might
not be my star to be who am envisaging to
be,maybe I'm beginning and have been dreaming
too big...but,what's my star then ...
You remember how you have nursed that dream
shielding and working towards it with full
commitment,but it was all effort in futility...you
thought ...just as it had started smoothly it had
continued that way until somewhere along the
line,things began to turn sour...you remember
how the dream of some of your co-big dreamers
was brought to an abrupt halt..Esther,yes
Esther,she was a bright and promising chap full
of life,but her youthful exuberance and her
craving for worldly pleasures lured her into an
unending bitter sweet experience,she forgot about
her dream and started chasing shadows mere
shadows,leaving the real thing she was ought to
chase,HER DREAM but she sacrificed it on the
alter of 5minutes pleasure,which resulted into her
getting pregnant ...there was also Amadi whose
parent went totally bankrupt which warranted them
going back to their hometown so as to start
afresh putting an abrupt halt to Amadi's
scintillating future..he was a promising chap!!
But even in the face of all these challenges,you
all still continued giving that dream a chase
pursuing it regardless of whatever and whatsoever
that would cross your way..
The way things are now,on the outside all people
see is that things was moving fine with this
intelligent chap,all there saw was that school boy
with so much aspiration as high as mountain
kilmangaro,on their ever radiant school
uniform,glowing in reckless abandon,but they
don't know the kind of battle you are fighting on
the inside on that inside where body soul and
spirit communion in an never ending state,there
was that uncertainty about yourself and everything
about your big dreams,...that fear of failure was
also beginning to creep in that fear that you might
end up disappointing those who have placed you
in high esteem;but that dream no longer looked
the way it had looked earlier on,so many ups and
downs,there where things that fell in place on its
own in the past but this days things has
changed...so you look at yourself and ask "am I
dreaming too big and not meant to be great???..
With doggedness we have vowed to chase!!
Anticipate SERIES 4


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